External Datasets on the Web
Links to various datasets available on the Web.
- Data From the National Healthcare Quality & Disparities Reports
An Interactive Tool To Explore Data From AHRQ
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- The Nationwide Emergency Department Sample
The Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS) is a unique and powerful database that yields national estimates of emergency department (ED) visits. The NEDS was created to enable analyses of emergency department (ED) utilization patterns and support public health professionals, administrators, policymakers, and clinicians in their decision-making regarding this critical source of care. The ED serves a dual role in the U.S. healthcare system infrastructure as a point of entry for approximately 50% of inpatient hospital admissions and as a setting for treat-and-release outpatient visits.
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- Datasets from CMS
CMS makes its datasets available for download. They are available as zipped MS Access databases or in CSV format.
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- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Data Compendium
An annual data overview giving key statistics about CMS programs and health care spending.
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- State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System
The STATE System is an electronic data warehouse containing up-to-date and historical state-level data on tobacco use prevention and control.
The STATE System presently offers the ability to generate or build reports for Behaviors, Demographics, Economics, Environment, Funding, Health Consequences and Costs, and Legislation topic areas in the following 4 report formats:
- A detailed report can be generated to display data for a selected topic area (e.g., Economics), measure (e.g., Cigarette Sales), state, and year.
- A state comparison report can be generated to display data for a selected topic area (e.g., Economics), measure (e.g., Cigarette Sales), year, and all available states with Excel export capability.
- A trend report (a custom report) can be built to display data for a selected topic area (e.g., Economics), measure (e.g., Cigarette Sales), multiple subtopics (e.g., Average Cost per Pack), years and states with a graphic output option and Excel export capability.
- A highlights report can be generated to display current state-based information on the prevalence of tobacco use, the health impact and costs associated with tobacco use, and tobacco excise tax drawing from multiple sources within the System. This report includes tabular and graphic output options as well as a feature to export to PDF.
- MEPS - Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) is a set of large-scale surveys of families and individuals, their medical providers, and employers across the United States. MEPS is the most complete source of data on the cost and use of health care and health insurance coverage.
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- MEPSnet: Interactive Statistical Tool
MEPSnet is a collection of analytical tools that operate on MEPS data in two categories:
- The MEPSnet / Household Component; and,
- The MEPSnet / Insurance Component.