What is Leapfrog?
The Leapfrog Hospital Survey is a national Request For Information that is sent out to hospitals through several regional mediators (such as CBGH for the Colorado region). The program is aimed to alert America’s health industry that big leaps in health care safety, quality and customer value will be recognized and rewarded. Among other initiatives, Leapfrog works with its employer members to encourage transparency and easy access to health care information as well as rewards for hospitals that have a proven record of high quality care.
Leapfrog's Hospital Survey is the gold standard for comparing hospitals performance on the national standards of safety, quality, and efficiency that are most relevant to consumers and purchasers of care. While it is 100% voluntary, hospitals that participate in The Leapfrog Hospital Survey achieve hospital-wide improvements that translate into millions of lives and dollars saved. Leapfrog’s purchaser members use Survey results to inform their employees and purchasing strategies. In 2009, 1206 hospitals across the country completed The Leapfrog Hospital Survey.