eValue8 : An Overview

eValue8™, is the nation's leading evidence-based request for information (RFI) tool.  Created by leading U.S. employers and coalitions, eValue8 offers a way for health care purchasers to evaluate and procure health plans based on their performance and value instead of only price.  It is widely used by business health coalitions, their purchaser members, and national employers to assess and manage the quality of their health care vendors.   Click on the link to the RIGHT to view samples of various eValue8 reports.


Purchasers can take the information to meetings with each of the health plans to discuss strengths, best practices and opportunities for improvement.  Employers working through coalitions also use the information to discuss community-wide opportunities for health improvement through collaboration. 

eValue8 can be used to:

  • Establish performance goals and measure quality based on leading edge purchaser expectations.
  • Identify results-oriented disease management programs.
  • Designate "best-in-class" performers.
  • Determine health promotion and education opportunities.
  • Develop targeted strategies for improving the value of your health care investments.
  • Collaborate with purchasers and health care providers to improve community health quality.


The eValue8 tool uses a standard, annual RFI survey to gather hundreds of benchmarks in critical areas such as:

  • Adoption of health information technology
  • Member and provider communications
  • Chronic disease management
  • Prevention and health promotion
  • Provider performance
  • Patient safety
  • Pharmacy management
  • Behavioral health
  • Plan profile

Standardized performance reports are prepared for HMO/POS plans as well as for PPO plans and networks. Content for the survey is coordinated by a certified eValue8 scoring team that verifies the health plan information is accurate and comparable.  This is accomplished by using input from purchasers, coalitions, and health plans and incorporates guidance from experts from the Centers of Disease Control, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, George Washington University and others in public health and academia.  eValue8 also works in concert with accrediting bodies, including the National Committee on Quality Assurance and the Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, to prevent redundancy and build on existing standards.

Working together, eValue8 raises the bar for health care performance and moves the market to deliver greater value for the purchaser's health care dollar.