Why Join CBGH?

CBGH  brings innovative and leading edge projects, information, and community leadership to the members that is perceived to bring high value. To that end. it is important to know what the members do value, what type of projects and information is timely and relevant, and where their individual strategies can be enhanced through the coalition.  Coalition community initiatives are only possible by the active participation of members.

Why would employers join CBGH?

  • To step up and lead positive changes in the healthcare marketplace locallyand regionally
  • To stay up to date on developments in healthcare reform; be at the front of the curve
  • To engage your employees, consumers, about the importance of quality in the purchasing decision
  • To unite together in joint purchasing projects with other employers in order to leverage purchasing opportunities and our influence on the healthcare market
  • To collaborate, prioritize, and leverager those initiatives that have the greatest impact on healthcare cost management and quality
  • To add quality  to your arsenal, providing a fundamental strategy for cost management