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You may download a PDF (8.5 MB) of the entire Health Matters 2009 here.

Or you may go to each page through the links below.

1. CONTENTS select page to view or print

2. Welcome to 12th Annual Edition of Health Matters Health Plan and Hospital Quality Report

3. How to choose your hospital
4. Colorado hospital quality ratings
4. Urban hospitals
5. Colorado rural hospitals
6. Rural hospital ratings

Patient Safety
7. Can hospital care be safer?
8. All hospitals are not the same
9. "Never Events" — medical errors
10. Proactive efforts in promoting patient safety

11. Poster – “How Much to Munch”
12. Cutting the fat — The obesity epidemic
13. How much do CTs and MRIs cost?
14. continued How much do CTs and MRIs cost?
15 High cost of premiums
16. Choosing your plan

17 A sad tale, but true: One doctor’s experience as a diabetes patient
18. Bridges to Exellence — Staying healthy just got easier
19, 20, 21 Physicians awarded for excellence: Diabetes & Cardiac
22 Health care by geography
23. Check-up on your doctor
24 Consumer ratings of Colorado physicians

16 Choosing your plan
25. How do consumers rate my health plan
26. Consumer ratings of health plans
27. Accreditation
28. What are HEDIS measures?

Rating health plans: HEDIS
29. Breast and Cervical cancer screening
30. Breast and Cervical cancer screening (continued)
31. Colorectal cancer screening
32. Diabetes screening

33. Diabetes screening (continued)

34. Diabetes screening (continued)
35. Heart health
36. Heart health (continued)
37. Prenatal & postpartum care
38. Infant care
39. Mental health
40. Mental health (continued)

41 Resources
42 About CBGH
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